Windows users can use Winrar while Mac users can use Unarchiver. Open the archive ZIP file that you downloaded.The official mod page includes more information, so make sure to check it out in detail. Persistent Boredom: Sims will remember their conversations and if the same topics come up over and over again, they will act bored.Sweating: Sims can sweat when performing rigorous activities.WooHoo Enhancements: Players can enable pregnancy for all Woohoo interactions.Pregnancy Additions: Modify the Pregnancy aspect with these settings.

Pregnancy Scientific Donation: Sims can donate the baby to science through this option.Relationship Additions: Your Sim can have multiple romantic and committed/non-committed partners via Open Relationships.Crabs: Dating can be dangerous for your health sometimes, and if you wish, you can turn on the option to catch crabs through Woohoo with infected Sims.Birth Control: Want to avoid your Sim’s pregnancy? This will help – and it’s fully compatible with Woohoo.Menstrual Cycle: Your Sim can have a menstrual cycle which also has an impact on hormones and more.It’s compatible with the personality traits made by Chingyu, Kuttoe, and Kiara. Impressions/Personalities: Special interactions will help you socialize even better.Attractiveness: Every Sim will have its own style and preferences, and depending on the situation, your Sim’s heart will beat faster when you interact with them.Make sure to check for the last updated date and the patch notes on the mod download pages. You can download it from Curseforgeor Nexus Mods.